Dovada Ca BNR Stia Ca Urmeaza O Criza A Francilor Si Cum Este Imposibil Sa Modifici Legea Bnr Fara Acordul Bnr – Avocat Cuculis

Nu de mult am facut o analiza comparata cu toate ordinele emise de catre Bnr, de la aderarea Romaniei la U.E si pana la finalul creditarii in franci elvetieni. A reiesit de acolo, ca toate ordinele emise, au fost intocmite dupa ce dezastrul se produsese, ca o fi fost intentionat sau nu, pentru asta ramane sa stabileasca doar instanta si fiecare dintre dvs. in parte.


bnr 1

Legea 312/2004 de functionare a Bancii Nationale, prevede in articolul 3, urmatorul aspect:

 (2) Orice proiect de act normativ al autorităţilor publice centrale, care priveşte domeniile în care Banca Naţională a României are atribuţii, va fi adoptat după ce în prealabil s-a solicitat avizul Băncii Naţionale a României. Avizul va fi transmis în termen de cel mult 30 de zile de la solicitare.

De cand stia BNR, ANPC si sistemul BANCAR ca in Romania sunt probleme de creditare in franci si o suprapopulare a imprumuturilor cu ipoteca?

In 2007, in plina desfasurare a creditarii in franci elvetieni, ANPC, BNR si institutiile de centru din Romania cu atributii in materie, au comandat un studiu BANCII MONDIALE cu privire la sistemul financiar bancar din Romania, studiu terminat si pus la dispozitie in 2009 in luna iulie.

Studiul, asa cum am spus, a plecat din 2007, de cand instituiile de mai sus, cunosteau problemele majore cu, care se confrunta sistemul, imprumutatii, insa totusi au lasat libera creditarea in franci pana la sfarsitul anului 2008.

Banca mondiala, in documentul pe care il voi publica asa cum a fost el eliberat, sub forma de studiu, ca ANPC ar trebui sa deschida cadru separat pentru investigarea fraudelor si clauzelor abuzive inserate in contractele bancare si ar trebui sa intervina eficient in contracararea acestor efecte.

Ce s-a intamplat? cunoasteti dvs. mai bine ca absolut nimic. Astfel, aveti dovada ca toate institutiile statului stiau din 2007 ca urmeaza un dezastru.

Vorbeste studiul despre o intarire a protectiei consumatorului si de adoptare a unui cod de buna practica. Intr-un final ne dam seama de fapt ce s-a intamplat in 2007 cand institutiile ale caror legi nu le putem schimba decat cu acordul lor, stiau ce ii paste pe romani.

Este incredibil ca BANCA MONDIALA vorbeste despre reclame mincinoase si da sfaturi statului ROMAN sa elimine aceste reclame si sa explice produsele pe care bancile le vand la un nivel la care toti consumatorii sa-l poata intelege.


Uitati – ce spune Banca Mondiala – 

Consumer Awareness 1. ANPC should establish a separate department (or unit) to address issues specific to financial services. Priority: High

X 2. The new department should be staffed with officials with professional experience or academic training in financial services and also with an understanding of methods of improving the awareness of financial consumers concerning their rights and obligations. Priority: High

X 3. The institutional capacity of ANPC needs to be strengthened, with additional staff and training both in its main office and its county offices. Priority: High

X 4. Once a specialized department is put in place, ANPC may wish to look for additional ways to build institutional capacity, including through advisory services with well-established consumer protection agencies in the EU. Priority: Low

X 5. ANPC should enhance its coordination with several agencies, including the four financial supervisory entities. Priority: High

X 6. ANPC should develop a nation-wide program of consumer communications and awareness of financial issues. Priority:

Medium X 7. Information for financial consumers should be made available in local and regional offices of government bodies. Priority: Medium

X 8. An essential component of a consumer awareness program should be the distribution of financial information through advertising on television and radio. Priority: Medium

X 9. ANPC should help professional associations in non-financial sectors in their efforts to develop financial information resources. Priority: Low

X 10. The consumer protection associations should be strengthened. Priority: High

X 11. The financial sector’s professional associations should be encouraged to adopt consumer protection codes that can be easily understood as reasonable standards of fairness and transparency. Priority: High

X 12. Professional associations should ensure that all its members comply with the industry code, and consumer associations should be encouraged to monitor compliance and highlight cases of non-compliance. Priority: High

X 13. Codes of conduct should be published and made widely available to consumers. Priority: High

Information & Disclosure for Consumers 1. Financial entities should be obliged to follow sales practices that encourage customers to carefully weigh the pros and cons of buying each financial service. Priority: High

X 2. Consumers should have the right to be notified of all the fees, charges and commissions of a financial product or service before signing the contract. Priority: High

X 3. ANPC should transpose all the provisions of the revised EU Consumer Credit Directive into Romanian law. Priority: Medium

X 4. Professional associations should be encouraged to develop a standardized “Key Facts Statement” to provide consumers with a summary of all the key terms and conditions of a financial service or product in clear and plain X 37 language Priority: High

5. Professional associations should be encouraged to develop standard contracts to cover the core provisions of basic financial products. The format of the standard contract should be reviewed by the financial supervisory agency or the proposed specialized department within ANPC. Priority: High

X 6. Banks that comply with the proposed code of conduct should provide mortgage information to consumers in the format of the European Standardized Information Sheet (ESIS). Priority: High

X 7. For mortgage loans and any other credits secured by real property, the mandatory disclosure should note that in the case of default, the lender is entitled to seize the property. Priority: High

X 8. Additional specialized disclosure should be required for investment products. Priority: High

X 9. For pension funds and other investment products, the consumer should be advised of the percentage commission charged for each product. Priority: High

X 10. Regulations should set out the disclosure requirements for prospectuses and simplified prospectuses of mutual funds, especially for calculating the net asset value of real-estate funds. Priority: High

X 11. Regulations should also standardize the account-opening disclosures for brokerage accounts and collective investment funds. Priority: High

X 12. For certain complex services where the payment of commissions can influence the actions of selling agents, the amount of the selling commission should also be disclosed to the customer in the standard contract. Priority: High

X 13. The financial supervisors should require that all licensed financial institutions publish annual audited financial statements and the names of their significant beneficial owners and directors. Priority: High

X 14. Insurance companies should be obliged to publish reports showing the financial solvency of the individual companies it ensures, based on each company’s published financial statements. Priority: High

X 15. Where financial institutions have received debt ratings (or in the case of insurance companies, ratings of claims-paying ability), they should be obliged to publish the ratings. Priority: High

X 16. Professional and consumer associations should be encouraged to develop tariff surveys for easy comparison of all charges, including fees and commissions for the same financial product or service. Priority: Medium

X 17. Financial institutions should be legally required to act responsibly. Lenders and sellers of investment products should be required to ensure that products are suitable for the purchaser. At a minimum, a standard process should be set by law or regulation by which the lender (or seller of investment products) collects information about the client, particularly when selling complex products such as life insurance or private pensions or special collective investment funds. Priority: High

X 18. Creditors should be obliged to verify the age, financial experience, and business capacity of the client—and if the borrower is unable to comprehend the costs or risks involved in the financial product. Investors should be obliged to provide true and accurate information regarding their financial circumstances. Priority: High

X 19. Abusive lending and selling practices should be specifically prohibited with appropriate penalities for failure to comply. Priority: High

X 20. A “do-not-call” registry should be set up, to allow consumers to avoid receiving unsolicited calls marketing mortgages or other credits. Priority: Medium X 38

21. Misleading advertising for financial services and products should be explicitly prohibited with appropriate penalities for failure to comply. Priority: High

X 22. Either ANPC or the financial supervisory agencies should be responsible for ensuring that financial institutions do not use or distribute misleading advertising in the print media. Priority: High

X 23. A 14-day cooling-off period should apply to all credits and purchases of products with long-term components (i.e. of more than 12 months), including investments in private pension funds. The customer should have the right to withdraw from the contract without having to pay any expenses except for the initial transaction fee agreed at the time of the signing of the contract. Priority: High

X 24. Consumers should have the explicit and real choice of prohibiting information sharing within a financial group. Priority: High

X 25. A three-tiered system for the training and certification of intermediaries and other sellers of financial products would be useful. All three tiers should require registration with the BNR of all individuals selling financial products. Priority: Medium

X 26. At the time of onsite supervision, financial supervisory agencies should review a representative sample of customer files to see if the key provisions of the voluntary code of conduct

Av Cuculis Adrian

Intregul material AICI-

document-2009-10-20-6317885-0-recomandari-banca-mondiala – Lectura placuta si dupa ce-l cititi dati-va seama ce teapa au dat bancile si chemati-le in judecata.

Inscrierea In Procesele Individuale Si Colective Ce Vizeaza Formularul Pentru Denominarea La Cursul de la data acordarii creditului cat si eliminarea clauzelor abuzive din contracte, de tip, adeziune alaturi de recalcularea dobanzii creditului. Informatii generale procese colective banci.

3 comments to “Dovada Ca BNR Stia Ca Urmeaza O Criza A Francilor Si Cum Este Imposibil Sa Modifici Legea Bnr Fara Acordul Bnr – Avocat Cuculis”
  1. Atentie la urmatorul aspect: Dvs. citati aici un studiu, despre care nu am inteles daca, unde si cand a fost publicat. Este important de aflat la ce data au devenit cunoscute rezultatele studiului, deoarece, chiar daca s-au folosit informatii din 2007, BNR se poate apara ca nu a primit aceste rezultate decat in 2009, mai ales daca nu s-au publicat, ci au fost puse la dispozitia beneficiarului, in sistem inchis.
    Profit de ocazie pentru a va supune atentiei o posibila solutie, echitabila si aplicabila pe termen lung, la problema partajarii Riscului de schimb Valutar in creditare intre Banca si Client:

  2. Ne asteptam de la domnul avocat la mai multa atentie cand starneste valuri de acest gen. Neatentia provine din lipsa informatiei in totalitate sau din nevoia de senzational.

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